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the novella awards begins in

“If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, you must be the one to write it.” – Toni Morrison (print from Brighton Gifts)



She is a 25-year-old pansexual hippie who does nothing but try to save the planet. If she's not eating sushi at the beach, then she is reading a book in her fuzzy socks. She's a Disney geek and proud cat mom to a grey Tux kitty named Binx. She is also a Senior Engagement Ambassador.

fun fact — She can speak 9+ languages and she loves turtles.


She's a North African lifeless introvert who, unsurprisingly, happens to be a huge cat lover and a weeb. She also loves food, sleep, and Wattpad. She loves reading and has commitment issues with writing despite it being her absolute favorite pastime. She speaks Meow. ᕙ(⇀‸↼)ᕗ



She is a 19-year-old vegetarian with a bad case of writer’s block and an unhealthy love for hummus, cats, and napping. She was born and raised in a country known for fish and chips, bad weather, and tea. She also studies psychology at university so I can read minds.

fun fact — she hates tomatoes but loves tomato ketchup...


 She's a 29-year-old Nigerian-American proud Mama and wife who loves to keep busy with writing, designing, brainstorming, and also taking care of her home. She's pretty obsessed with TV Series, especially chick lit dramas. When she's not writing, she is busy watching Disney Junior. 😁

fun fact — she loves eating pizza, even when she's watching her weight 

I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an independent will. 

 Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre

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